The Highland Stars
Watch Words: Tradition, Love, Compassion, Strength
Motto: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller
Sisters and Brothers,
You are cordially invited to attend the 1162nd stated meeting of Palestine Chapter No. 114, OES to be held at the Newton Masonic Hall, 460 Newtonville Avenue, Newtonville, MA on
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 7:00pm
Officers, if you are unable to be at the meeting please call or text to let the Worthy Matron know.
Sisters: Long dresses or skirts
Brothers: Sports or suit coat. Collared shirt and tie.
BUSINESS: To receive petitions, hear reports of committees and transact any business which may legally come before the Chapter.
COLLATION: If you would like to help contact Deb Gowins, WM.
REHEARSAL: Please reserve Sunday March 30 at 1PM for installation rehearsal. ALL incoming and out going officers are required to attend.
PALESTINE CHAPER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS are now available. Contact Stephen Donahue, Chairperson or Gail Baillio, Secretary, for the application. Applications must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2025.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to our Sisters and Brothers celebrating in March.
Worthy Matron; Worthy Patron; Associate Matron; Associate Patron; Secretary; Treasurer; Conductress; Associate Conductress; Trustee (3-year term ) and a Trustee for the Chapter Benevolent Fund (3-year term)
If a nominated candidate for any office is unable to be present at this meeting, and is elected, she/he must have a letter of acceptance to the Secretary before this meeting.
Anyone wishing to hold an elected office for the year 2025-26 must have their 2025 dues paid before or at the annual meeting on March 4th.
Anyone wishing to hold an appointed office for the year 2025-26 must have their 2025 dues paid before the Installation of officers April 1st.
ANNUAL REPORTS: Will be presented by the Worthy Matron, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustees and Auditing Committee. The Floral Report will be given by the Sunshine Representative.
OFFICERS for 2025–2026: Please let Sister Joan M Atkinson, PGM, know if you are interested in serving in an appointed position, as elected line officer or a Trustee.
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” —Lao Tzu
Please keep all of our first responders in your prayers.
Star Love,
Debra and Steve